Parny Notification Channel

Receive automated notification messages to your apps via Parny

How do Parny notification channels work?

Once you set up a Parny notification channel, you will be able to receive alert notifications from Resmo on your connected app. This way, you will be notified of any rule violations near real-time.

  • To connect a notification rule to a notification channel, you must select the channel on the individual notification rule page.

How to set up a Parny notification channel

  1. Go to your Settings page on Resmo by clicking the gear icon from the top right corner.

  1. Then, navigate to Notification Channels from the left sidebar.

  2. Click the Add Notification Channels button.

  1. Add Parny.

  1. Name the notification channel to remember it later.

  1. Enter the URL (HTTPS endpoints to send data).

  2. Click Create.

Note: You can manage created notification channels from the Notification Channels panel.

How to delete a Parny notification channel

  1. Go to your Notification Channels page and click the Parny notification channel you want to remove.

  2. Click the Delete button from the top right.

Last updated