Custom Data Integration

Custom data integration allows you to create custom resource schemas and collect custom data in addition to existing resources.

To add your custom data integration, first, you need to create a custom schema group, custom schema, and then create the integration (consequently, in this order.) Follow the instructions below for details.

PART 1. Preparing integration and schema

1.1 Creating a custom schema group

Schema groups have unique names and prefixes. The prefix will be used as a prefix on your custom resources.

Before adding a custom schema and a custom data integration, a valid custom schema group should be created. To do that, go to Settings Custom Schemas (under the Integrations section).

Then click the Add Group, and fill in the related sections.

Name field is a unique identifier for group names.

Description field is an optional field to set more details about the schema group.

Group Prefix field is a unique field and will be used in custom resources as a prefix.

1.2 Creating a custom schema (custom resource)

After creating a group, then we can create a custom schema. To do that, go to Settings Custom Schemas (under the Integrations section).

Then click the Add Schema, and fill in the related sections.

Group is the schema group to which the schema belongs. Group prefix will be used as the table name (resource name) prefix.

Name field is a unique identifier name across all of your group names. It will be the resource name in the Resources page section under group3.

Table Name field is a unique identifier resource name. You cannot create a new resource with the same name after being removed.

Test Data is a field you can put your payload to test your schema before creating it.

Schema-> see below

Schema limitations and requirements

  • Resmo uses JSON Schema (for more information: JSON Schema) for creating a custom resource schema.

JSON Schema is a declarative language that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents.

JSON Schema enables the confident and reliable use of the JSON data format.

  • Support for only the 2020-12 version (JSON Schema 2020-12 Release Notes)

  • It cannot be empty or any type other than an object because Resmo only supports object(a valid map) structure for resources.

    • id: the path of the id field, which cannot be empty, must be a string. This information will be used unique identifier of the resource.

    • name: the path of the name field, optional, must be a string. This information will be used to display the purpose of the resource on Resmo.

    • importantFields: paths of the important fields, optional, list of paths. This information will be used for display purposes as well on Resmo.


1"resmo": { 2 "id": "employeeId", 3 "name": "$.employee.username", 4 "importantFields": [ 5 "employeeId", 6 "$", 7 "active" 8 ] 9}

  • If the schema is valid, Resmo services put unevaluatedProperties property to the root path of the schema to avoid sending unevaluated properties. (extra/unknown properties)

1.3 Creating a custom data integration

After the group and the schema is created, you can now create an integration to attach them. To do that, go to Settings Integrations (under the Integrations section) and Add Integration.

Select Custom Data integration from the available integrations list.

Name field is a unique identifier name across all of your group names.

Description field is an optional field to set more details about the schema group.

Tags field is an optional field to set tags for your integration.

Ingest Key is an authentication key for sending resource requests to Resmo.

Group is a field to select a custom schema group to attach it. Reminder: you cannot select a group without custom schemas, and integration can be attached to one group only.

PART 2. Sending resource changes to Resmo

After the integration is created with valid groups and schemas, you can send your resource changes with HTTP requests.

In this part, you can check out example schema, and resource payloads in:

2.1 Sending a resource to Resmo

$ curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data 'PAYLOAD_HERE' Set your domain name and requested table name. (which is named as Table Name on the schema)

?groupKey=YOUR_GROUP_KEY_HERE (OPTIONAL) For grouping resources, for example, you have multiple resources with the same identifier, but those belong to another department/company etc., you can set groupKey. To see more detail about groupKey you can check _meta of the resource.

&event=YOUR_EVENT_NAME_HERE(OPTIONAL) Event name of the HTTP request; you can see it on the changes history.

&actor=YOUR_ACTOR_HERE → (OPTIONAL) Actor name of the HTTP request; you can see it on the changes history as well. it should be a JSON.

‘X-Ingest-Key: YOUR_INTEGRATION_INGEST_KEY_HERE' Ingest Key of the integration.

--data 'PAYLOAD_HERE' Resource payload

How Resmo processes the request

  • If there is no resource with id (+ groupKey) information before then, there will be a new resource!

  • If there is an existing resource, this request will be considered an update request. For the update request, if the current resource is the same, then the request will be ignored.

  • To remove a resource, please have a look at deleting a resource section.

Payload limitations and requirements

  • Be sure that the requested payload is valid with the JSON schema

  • Payload with unknown fields will not be processed

  • Size could not be bigger than 1MB for each resource

  • The Actor field can be up to 1000 characters, and the event and groupKey fields can be up to 100 characters.

  • Payloads without id field information will be rejected.

2.2 Sending bulk resources to Resmo

$ curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data 'LIST-OF-PAYLOAD-HERE' Set your domain name and requested table name. (which is named as Table Name on the schema)

?groupKey=YOUR_GROUP_KEY_HERE → (OPTIONAL) For grouping resources, for example, you have multiple resources with the same identifier, but those belong to another department/company, etc., you can set groupKey. To see more detail about groupKey you can check _meta of the resource.

&event=YOUR_EVENT_NAME_HERE → (OPTIONAL) Event name of the HTTP request; you can see it on the changes history.

&actor=YOUR_ACTOR_HERE → (OPTIONAL) Actor name of the HTTP request; you can see it on changes history as well. it should be a JSON.

‘X-Ingest-Key: YOUR_INTEGRATION_INGEST_KEY_HERE' Ingest Key of the integration.

--data 'LIST-OF-PAYLOAD-HERE' List of resources

How Resmo processes the request

  • This endpoint is for sending a bunch of resources at once.

  • If there is no resource with id (+ groupKey) information before then, there will be a new resource!

  • If there is an existing resource, it will be updated. Ignored if the resource payload is the same.

  • Bulk does not support patches; it needs every resource in the request. It means if there is a missing resource in the payload, then it will be removed.

    • For example, in the screenshot, three resources were added for _directory_employee with IDs a, b, c with one bulk request.

    • After then, there will be another bulk request with a, b, d resources, and c is missing and a, b updated.

    • As a result, c is removed, a and b are updated, and d is added as a resource.

Payload limitations and requirements

  • Same validations with Sending a resource to Resmo

  • The size cannot exceed 4MB for all resources in one request.

2.3 Deleting a resource from Resmo

$ curl --request DELETE \
  --url \
  --header 'X-Ingest-Key: YOUR_INTEGRATION_INGEST_KEY_HERE' \ Set your domain name and requested table name. (which is named as Table Name on the schema)

?resourceIds=IDS Requested resource IDs'

&groupKey=YOUR_GROUP_KEY_HERE → (OPTIONAL) For grouping resources, for example, if you have multiple resources with the same identifier, but those belong to another department/company, etc., you can set groupKey. To see more detail about groupKey you can check _meta of the resource.

&event=YOUR_EVENT_NAME_HERE → (OPTIONAL) Event name of the HTTP request; you can see it on the changes history.

&actor=YOUR_ACTOR_HERE → (OPTIONAL) Actor name of the HTTP request; you can see it on changes history as well. it should be a JSON.

‘X-Ingest-Key: YOUR_INTEGRATION_INGEST_KEY_HERE' Ingest Key of the integration.

How Resmo processes the request

  • If there is no resource with ID (+ groupKey) information, then it will be ignored.

Last updated